Saturday 29 December 2012

When did you last buy a pair of trainers?

My current pair of trainers, bought in September 2006
David Cameron and George Osborne would be very proud of me. I've been very much subscribed to austerity in recent times.

And its not even just now but I would argue even going back a long time. Especially when it comes to the use of my trainers. I've had my basketball Nike shoes as my only regular pair of trainers since...September 2006.

Six years and three months. That's right seventy five months since I last bought a pair of trainers. I'm proud.

I could attribute that to my past experience as a sports sales assistant where I learned the art of preserving shoes in a good condition at a once famous sports retailer. But accurately its been down to complete and total luck. I've only cleaned those shoes at least twice. And for the rest of time, I've put those poor pair of trainers through mud, rain, snow and sand.

Some people proudly declare their pride for their wardrobe of shoes, spending thousands upon thousands of pounds. Maintaining their collection of pairs and pairs of shoes in different shapes and sizes. Shoes of different colours. And shoes for different uses.

But whilst those people spend their income dazzling themselves with a new pair of shoes, I've only bought five pairs of shoes since buying my current trainers. One pair which I've just described. Another which I wear for special occasions. Another which I wore for a temporary period of time for work. Another which I also wear for work now but used to wear for special occasions. And another pair which I've only ever wore once in public. And that's it.

But this week I've come under pressure for keeping this one pair of trainers for such a long time. All week I've been telling them that my position remains stubborn. I'm not buying a pair. I don't want to. I don't feel I need to. I just don't have the enthusiasm to do so. I know they want the best for me but I think they are beginning to think that I'm just taking things a little too far by refusing to treat myself to a new pair of trainers.

And I'm beginning to review my stubbornness. Am I really needing to get a grip? To be honest, I'm going to give in somehow if they don't stop encouraging me to give up my current pair of trainers for a new pair. But, to be honest, I don't see the point when my current trainers are just fine.

When was the last time you bought a pair of trainers?

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