Thursday 24 January 2013

What is Islam? And who was Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)?

Today is Mawlid an-Nabi, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him). Celebrated by Muslims worldwide, it is a significant day in the Islamic calendar and a good day to show humility in reflection of the life of a very significant figure in world history, let alone religion.

You've probably heard of my religious faith in the press. And sadly for negative reasons. But let me assure you that it is not a negative religion. Actually, its the opposite and, frankly, liberalising in many ways. You and I are equals in this world and that's how Islam sees all of us. Nobody is better than anybody else and we are all unique in this world.

So what is Islam? It is an Abrahamic religion, like Christianity and Judaism and monotheistic. All Muslims, i.e. followers of Islam, make a simple declaration where they say in Arabic:

 لَا إِلَّهَ إِلَّا الله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ الله

There is no God but Allah and Prophet

 Mohammed (PBUH) was the messenger of 


Islam is a way of life for Muslims. To put it simply, its about self-control, being modest and adopting a positive mental attitude to life. We don't drink alcohol, we should strive to be polite and fair in our manners always, us men to treat women properly and with respect and women to be enabled the freedom to go from strength to strength in their careers and education. A few examples nonetheless but I hope I've illustrated a positive, and true vision of Islam.

There are five pillars in Islam. Shahada, as stated above. Salah, where we pray to Allah five times a day from a timescale ranging from early morning to the end of the day. Sawm, where we fast from sunrise to sunset for each day in a period for a month. Zakat, where we donate a certain sum of money to charity. And Hajj, where each Muslim should peform the pilgrimage at Makkah in Saudi Arabia, at least once in their lives if physically and mentally to do so.

The Muslim population was at 1.1 billion in 1990 and has grown dramatically since and will continue to do so, according to TIME. Many of those Muslims are reverts and they are all over the world, including across these islands and beyond.

And who was Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)? As the Shahada states, he was the final messenger of God. He was a humble, sincere and pious individual and unified the whole of Arabia under Islam, in a peaceful manner, despite major hostilities. And his influence and his values shown in his practice, otherwise known as the Sunnah, have spread worldwide and over many centuries to this very day.

I'm no religious scholar but I just wanted to give you a brief history about my religion. Whatever your take on it, all I hope to have achieved in to have enlightened you and, more importantly, removed any myths about Islam and shown that we are, contrary to what others may say, humble, pious and sincere individuals.

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